World Bank Handbook Of Deep Trade Agreements

The manual contains analysis from the mapping of more than 280 current preferential trade agreements (ATPs) and is the first analytical exercise that attempts to analyze and understand in detail the degree of economic integration of EPZs. This project provides data and analysis on the content of trade agreements. Deep trade agreements are reciprocal agreements between countries that cover not only trade, but also other policies, such as international investment and labour flows, as well as the protection of intellectual property rights and the environment. Although these agreements are still referred to as trade agreements, their objective is integration beyond trade or deep integration. This research comes at a critical time for international trade law and has a dual purpose. First, to better understand the content and dynamics of deep integration. Second, to help developing countries understand the status quo of EPZs and better address their trade negotiations in the future. This dataset covers 52 policy areas selected from 279 EDPs notified to the WTO and signed between 1958 and 2015. It also contains information on the legal applicability of different policy areas.

This dataset covers the large margin of content of substantive trade agreements. In order to assess the content of trade agreements, the following data sets have been developed: preferential trade agreements have always been a feature of the global trading system, but they have become increasingly prominent in recent years. The number of PTAs has increased from 50 in the early 1990s to about 300 in 2019. All WTO members currently participate in at least one and often several PTAs. The PTAs have broadened their scope. While the average ATP covered 8 policy areas in the 1950s, it averaged 17 in recent years. The rules embedded in the DBAs, as well as multilateral trade rules and other elements of international economic law, such as bilateral investment agreements, influence how countries (and therefore the people and businesses that live and operate there) do business, invest, work and ultimately develop. Trade and investment regimes determine the extent of economic integration, competition rules influence economic efficiency, intellectual property rights are important for innovation, and environmental and labour rules contribute to environmental and social outcomes.